Monday, January 28, 2008

Bloggy Give-away Part 2 - GC to MikaRose

I thought I'd only have one give-away - but a great opportunity came by and now I am giving away a $60 gift certificate to MikaRose. MikaRose is an online a store with a wide variety of modest but very elegant dresses. Like this:

and this:

Those are really lovely dresses - perfect to use for your upcoming Valentine Date. And even if you're not going out on a date - it would be wonderful to surprise your hubby by dressing up that day :) The $60 certificate will allow you purchase a dress and possibly shipping too (of course it depends on the style you'll order)

So who can join? All bloggers and non-bloggers alike (non-bloggers need to leave an e-mail address). We basically will follow the Bloggy Giveaway guidelines. But instead of just leaving a comment saying "please count me in", you actually need to tell me what design you like at and post that comment here of what that is. That comment will qualify you to be in the draw. So visit MIKAROSE.COM site now (click here) and see what style number or name you like.

So don't delay. Go there now and come back here to join. Winners will be announced on February 2nd. (Sorry, this is for US residents only. Like what I mentioned, the $60 gift certificate counted shipping already in that amount :) *** still checking if possible to mail international or Canada. Check back later if this affects you :)

Has questions? Leave your question in the comment section and we'll answer them. And for more giveaways, visit the Bloggy-giveaways official site here.


Liza on Maui said...

I like the style 3104 :) - thanks :)

Miscellany Mom said...

i like Style #3107 in sage!

Anonymous said...

I like Isabelle dress.

Kristin said...

I like the style Ashley! Thanks!!

Julie Donahue said...

I really like Cynthia. I need a red dress. :) But it will have to be a goal dress, because it won't fit ---yet.

Jean said...

#3103 looks really cute for Spring, I also like the Katana in 07 collection. I love this, I could really use a new dress for work.

Sarah said...

I would get the Sarah. Thanks for the chance to win!

zeitersouth said...

I love the Katherine dress, It can be worn as one or two pieces!

It's Whimsy said...

Ariana. Am I guaranteed the tiny waist if I wear that one? ;-)

Lynn Lynx said...

Hi! I like the 3102 style in black, the clearance with the tulip hem, in XL. Thank you for this opportunity. I'm on a fixed buget and a new dress would be heavensent.

Anonymous said...

I like #3102 , style Ashley and Katherine.

Geri said...

Great giveaway!!! Thanks for the fun!

the Cynthia in red/white!

Bonnie in FL said...

I love the Isabelle
and I have a wonderful new puse in that color

Sharon Brumfield said...

I like Cynthia.
Great giveaway! Please count me in.

Liz Zelie said...

I like the Ariana or possibly the Halle. It's hard to decide. Have other people had luck purchasing dresses online? I'm curious...

Kristi said...

I like 3107 in pink. Although I might have to wait awhile to wear it (35 weeks preg-o). Cute though! :) Thanks for entering me.

Mary said...

Liza - I've given you an award. Pop over to my place and pick it up. Blessings on your day.

Unknown said...

I really like the tori style!

Jen said...

Love the dresses!

Me said...

I like the Isabelle and the shirt dress. I'll be nursing soon so both of those would work!

Double Happiness said...

I like #3104 -simple yet elegant at the same time.

CPA Mom said...

I like the Ariana dress!

Owner said...

i love the isabelle dress, or style 3103!

you da mom! said...

i love the madison dress, thanks!

Unknown said...

I love the Isabelle style- so nice for spring and summer!

krista said...

i love the halle!!!

Brit said...

The isabelle dress is darling! it would be perfect for this spring! I love that they are modest too!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the Ariana (#4205) the best! that would be a great dress for church! The Halle is great too! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!

Aubrey said...

What a great website! I like the Isabella, Ariana, and Sarah styles. It would be hard to choose.

heidi @ ggip said...

That's tough! I think I like the Halle the best. Thanks so much for the unique contest. They are very stylish and modest too.

Vintage Indie said...


Lovin' * Model: Style #4206


Gretchen said...

Halle 4209 in red, short sleeve.

What a wonderful opportunity! I hope I win. :)

I have another giveaway, but I keep getting deleted, so I must still be linking incorrectly.


Andrea said...

the Ariana would be my pick!

Sharon said...

I like the Cynthia - red w/white polka dots. so cute. Please enter me into this drawing. Thanks.

Chelsea said...

oh my cute! even though it's on sale, i love the Style #3104. too cute! i've never heard of them before, but now I'll have to email the links to my sis-in-law and other sisters.

Lomagirl said...

Ariana is great- so are the others!

Kristen M. said...

I love the styles #3102, 3107 and Halle. I could use a cute date dress. Any idea how these styles look on a petite size 12/14 woman?

Dawn said...

I love the Halle style dress in both black and brown. How could I pick just one??!!!!

Jes said...

The Halle is very cute! thanks

M.E. said...

Love these designs! My fav is Madison, but I see it is sold out, so I'd pick Torri. Enter me, please!

Someone Being Me said...

What a generous giveaway. I love the Katana (4215P) design.

Don and Lisa Osborn said...

I like style 3107 in black. These are darling!


Anonymous said...

I like the Cynthia and the Raven ones. Very pretty!

Count me in please.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away. Don't miss the daily edition of contests galore that I post on my blog.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

email is in my profile or you can use the contact form on my blog

Katrina said...

I love the Ashley wrap dress in brown! Such a great shape!

Scarlett said...

I love Style #3102!

Teddi said...

All kinds of cute and modest choices! I'd pick the Raven dress! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I like their dresses! I hope I win; I have my eye on the Halle or Katana styles.

The Chatty Housewife said...

I like the Raven. I like a lot of them actually!


mamacomeshome said...

I like Style #4209, that is, after this baby comes! Thanks!

Betsy said...

The black Halle dress is nice!

Melissa Markham said...

What a wonderful giveaway! So generous! I love, love, love style 3102!!!!

Tabitha said...

I like the Cynthia or Isabelle styles. I would probably end up with the Isabelle because I like the color better than the other style. Thanks!

LadySnow said...

I love style 3107

karmama said...

I like Raven, but I'm not sure that I could nurse in it :)

Katie B said...

What classy outfits! I like the Ariana style. Thanks for the chance to win!

Lindsey said...

I love the Cynthia, the Ariana and the black Halle.

Anonymous said...

I love the Halle dress, I t hink I only own one actual dress because I can never find modest ones, I usually just wear skirts

Amanda said...

I like all the styles - especially Cynthia. Great for Valentines.

Tricia said...

I like the Ariana style.


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

I am all about the dress #3102
black, fun and flirty with a touch of red for drama! Oh! I want that!
Hope I win!

Re said...

GREAT giveaway! I really want to win. :) I love the Halle.

threelilmnms said...

#3103 and #3104. I need to lose a bit more weight. This would be a great encouragement for me. #3103 would make a cute Spring dress.

Well, I'd love to win! Thanks for hosting this GREAT giveaway! Leinani

Jenna said...

I'm really torn between the Halle and the Raven dress. I like them both!

Jenna said...

I like the Ashley dress.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

I LOVE the Raven dress. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Katherine is a lovely style and very elegant. This is a geat giveaway. thanks.

Rachie S. said...

I like #3102!
Thanks for this great giveaway!

raqgold said...

i love halle :D am qualified to comment but am not qualified to join, hehe. good luck, ladies!

Anonymous said...

I love the Ashley dress.

rookiem at live dot com

Kierra said...

The Halle dress is very nice! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...


Shannon said...

The Cynthia dress is very cute! I really like Ashley too!

Great giveaway!

Lissete said...

I like the Halle in black.

Robin said...

i really love the style #3102

Anonymous said...

I like the Sarah dress in grey! NO blog, but my e-mail is onehoppinmom at yahoo dot com Thanks! Beth

jayedee said...

i love the raven and isabelle styles! great giveaway! please throw my name into the hat too! good luck everyone!

Anonymous said...

I like the Ashley one!

Please enter me.

I have a giveaway up on my frugal themed blog.

Anonymous said...

I like #4205. Those dresses are pretty... :-)

Britni said...

I really like the Halle dress. This would be perfect cause we're going to a Broadway show for Valentine's Day. Please pick me!!

Anonymous said...

I really like Style #3103. So cute!

. said...

All the dresses are lovely, but I especially like Style #3107 in Sage.

Take care!

Ames said...

I'd go for Arianna or #3104... not sure which!!! Thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Pretty dresses! I love #3104!

Bree said...

I love the Isabelle!! So pretty!

PS said...

The Raven is cute!!!

Deborah in Atlanta said...

3104 and 3107 - if I win, I'll haveto decide, won't I? So many decisions, so little time. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

Pastor Ron said...


Valerie said...

Tori is cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh that's really difficult! They are so beautiful. I think my favourite was Ariana or 3104. I can't decide, they are both great.

Cindy-Still His Girl said...

Hi Liza! I love seeing familiar bloggers out here on the bloggy giveaway! :)

I love #3104

Mommy said...

Please enter me! I really like #3107; but can't decide on the color. Thank you for offering such a nice prize. :)

... said...

okay... i just looked through all of them and i really like the katana. thanks for the chance to win such a nice give-away.

Don H. said...

Hey!! I hope you didn't forget about us guys =)

Put me in it to win it!

#3103 would look lovely for my wife.

jjstringham said...

I like Arianna and #3104. :-)

SimplyBillie said...

I love the Halle! What a great giveaway! I'd love to participate!

Teri said...

I love the black dress with the asymmetrical red hem in the clearance section! Too cute!

Anonymous said...

I love the Halle in black or red. They also have some cute clearance dresses, too!

Superdumb Supervillain said...

oooh, I love the Raven and it looks like it might work for nursing moms, too, since it buttons up...


Unknown said...

I LOVE the Isabelle it is gorgeous and SO me! Thank you!


Kelley said...

Wow! What pretty dresses! Right now I'd have to make a tough choice between #3107, #3103 and Isabelle!

kaprahl @

Bebemiqui said...

I like the Isabelle dress.Great giveaway! Count me in.

Liz said...

I love style 3102! What a cool store! Thanks!

Elena said...

I really like the Halle in Red! Thanks for the contest!

Duckygirl said...

The Isabelle dress is really pretty! They have great stuff at that site :)


Sahm Lee said...

Ariana is my favorite!

Marcia said...

I'd love the Ariana! That's such a simple dress and it's so pretty!

Qtpies7 said...

I liked several of them, but I liked the Halle a lot.

Natalie said...

I think I like the Ashley best in black.

Marly said...

Cynthia is beautiful. I love that shocking red!

Unknown said...

i love ariana Style #4205

goalmom said...

I love the classic look of Ariana.

Montserrat said...

I have six daughters and finding modest clothes is a huge chore! I love the Halle dress in brown.

Good luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

I like 3103! (but it is hard to decide) What a nice store.

Alli said...

I love the pink Isabelle! Great for Valentine's Day. :) Thank you.

Anonymous said...

I really like the Cynthia dress. I'd also like to have the Ariana.
thanks for the chance to win.
amyjohnallen at bellsouth dot net

Crystal said...

I like Style #3107 in pink with black ribbon or sage...tough choice.

Lindsie said...

Cute! I like Style #3107 in the pink or the black.


Billie said...

Style 3102 in black and red -I love it and it's on clearance -what more can you ask for!

Genevieve P said...

I couldn't narrow it down--I guess I'll have to if I win! : ) My favorites are Isabelle, and Style #3102, and Style #3107.

Anonymous said...

I like the "Halle" style - and I don't have *any* dresses that I can wear this winter, so I'd love this. The designs are so pretty - thanks for this giveaway AND the review/link!


Anonymous said...

I really like Style #3104, I couldn't find a name for it, but it's very cute!

Katie said...

Like the katina very pretty. Please enter me . katie_mmartin [at] yahoo (dot) com

Angela said...

I love the Ashley Dress

Holladay Family said...

The knee length dress style #3104 is lovely. But then again, they ALL are. I love the modesty concept. Why do people shop anywhere else? Thank you for you having such a generous giveaway! I would LOVE to win this dress!

My email is holladayfam(at)gmail(dot)com.
(Please email me if I win!)
Thanks again!

A family of boys said...

I've been looking for a polka dot dress for a while and the Cynthia one is cute to boot!

Angela S said...

I really like the Madison. I also love that they use real shaped women! I'm a whole lot more to buy from them if I know their dresses look nice on real women.

fyjules said...

I like the Ashley in brown, Style #3102 in lilac w/white trim, and the Katana. I'm not sure witch I would pick.

Michelle@Life with Three said...

It's a toss up between 3104 and 3102 in the clearance section. Both are adorable! Thanks for the chance to win! mlciavola(at)yahoo(dot)com.

kelly said...

I like the Madison dress.

noreen said...

Style #4206 is xs small, so pretty

Chastity said...

I think my favorite is one that you had featured above...the Ariana shortsleeved shirt dress. Very cute!!

missreneer said...

Having lived in Utah for sometime it was hard to find modest clothing that is super cute, comfortable and stylish. I love this store and had never heard of it until now. I really love, love, love Raven [style 4213](that is also my older sisters name) I would just love to win this giftcard. Take pity on me. LOL!!! :)

Thanks for the great contest and Good Luck Everyone! Have a Blessed Day :)

Anonymous said...

Can I "love" many dresses? That would be: black 3102, 3103 and 3107.

Ginny said...

I really like the Ariana dress

emerzim said...

Isabelle. Definitely.

Hélène said...

3107 in pink or fushia.

Anonymous said...

The Cynthia in the red is beautiful...
stbaisch AT

MamaGames - Alexa C. said...

I like the Raven, or maybe the Halle!

Anonymous said...

I like the Style #3102 in black.

3LittleFlowers said...

I havent had a dress for my since I got preggo for the first time in 2003!!
I LOVE the Isabelle dress, but I may go up 60 with the shipping.... I REALLLY love that one...
If not, it will have to be the Ariana style.

Amanda said...

I like #4205 Ariana. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Julie said...

I like the Raven dress

Melissa said...

Ooo...I would love a Cynthia dress in red! Pick me!

Anonymous said...

I'm torn between the Katana and the Ariana. I should flip a coin.

Teresa said...

I really like the Raven style. It is super fun and I have been looking for something classic to try out the big belt trend with. This would be perfect! Thanks for the chance to win!

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

The Cynthia red with white polka dots is so cute! I’d love to be entered.

If you haven’t already entered my giveaway, I’m giving away two prizes: craft books & decorating books at my blog


Jennifer said...

Isabelle gets my vote... even if I do have to pay shipping myself!

Christi S said...

I really like the Isabelle! Thanks for sharing so generously, and for introducing me to this site!

Tisa said...

My favorite is the Isabelle dress (4206). Thanks for a very useful giveaway! ~ :)

Karen said...

I like 3107 in black with a white bow:) Thank you!

kpuleski at gmail dot com

Sarah said...

sclove the Isabelle dress. count me in. thanks.

Jenna Z said...

Style #3102 in pink with brown trim is divine! And on clearance AND in my size, the trifecta!!

Miss Erica said...

I love Halle in black! Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Those are some cute dresses. Very smart. I pick Isabelle as my favorite.

Jackie said...

Hi, please enter me in the contest. Thank so much! I would like the Isabelle dress!

Suzanne said...

Oh! I like the Isabelle! I also like style 3102! Very nice dresses

Melissa said...

I like the Ashley dress the best I think :)

Huse Yo Mama said...

3103 is ADORABLE, but not sure that much activity is good for my body, so maybe the Ashley or Cynthia. I can't choose - they're all awesome!!!

Sarah said...

I like 3102 or 3103.

T'aowyn said...

I love the crossover bodice of the Katana.

taowyn (at) gmail (dot) com

Kim said...

The Ariana is just lovely...would love a nice modest dress, so hard to find these days. The isabelle is pretty too....hmmm...glad I found your site, I'll have to recommend it to my church friends here in MS!

Anonymous said...

I'm torn between Katana and Ashley.

Please enter me.

Momof4 said...

I like the Isabelle dress, especially its fabric content of cotton/silk. I've bookmarked Mikarose. Thanks for introducing me to the brand, and for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Ashley, Madison or Sarah, I frankly just can't decide.

Mommie Daze said...

I like the Ashley Dress.

thecoolmom said...

I really like the Raven dress.

Lisa Garner said...

Lovely dresses!! My favorite dress is the Isabelle. To cute! Thanks for hosting such a fabulous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I like the Ashley.
Great giveaway! Count me in!

Mary said...

I like the Raven! Thank you!

Krista said...

Style 3102 in black with red is really pretty! I wish more of the dresses came in colors other than black, red, or brown though as I don't look good in red or brown and you can only have so much black...

Anonymous said...

I like the Cynthia I think. I change my mind looking at them all they are so nice.
Love the site.
Thanks for the offer.

Keryn said...

Ariana and Raven are my absolute favorites.

Bev Brandon @ The Fray said...

The this is neat!

Audra Marie said...

I love #3102 in black and red! :)

Thanks for the chance to win! :)


Betty C said...

I really like the Ashley.

Anonymous said...

I love #3102. Just enought jazz at the bottom! Thank you!:)

Taryn said...

I like Sarah

ktrae said...

I like the cynthia, red polka dots are neat. I also like the one with the red sash in the clearance area.

Mer said...

#3107: I'm a huge fan of pink and the bow is just adorable.

M the Mommy said...

I like the Halle in Black.

Heather said...

I LOVE the Ashley!

Anonymous said...

I like the Cynthia but I also like style #3107. Thanks. My e-mail is

kamewh said...

I love the Ariana! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Fiddle D. Dee said...

I like the Ashely dress in black!

Stacey Moore said...

love the Isabelle dress~~

Maren said...

I love the Ariana!

Anonymous said...

I love the Halle dress, I need some dresses and this is stunning!! Thank you

heather h said...

Raven and Style #3104 are so cute! Thank you for a fun giveaway!

mtmommy said...

Very fun!!! Please count me in!

Romie said...

I like both the Isabelle and the Tori - now please include me in your giveaway :)

Crystal F said...

I love the Madison dress. Thank you!

/\Heather/\ said...

I love Style #3102. Of course it's in the clearance section...but that dress is awesome!

Amanda said...

I think I would have to pick Halle in black. thanks

Angela James said...

I want that Ariana dress. I loved the picture you posted here. Looked for it on the website and now have huge, impossible, gigantic lust for it. I must have it. (and the Halle dress, and the Ashely dress and...) Well. Yeah. I like clothes :P


Rockin' Mama said...

I like the Katana design!

jasonncaryn at yahoo dot com

Forgetfulone said...

Style 4215P
I'd like to win a GC for a dress!

Anonymous said...

I like #3103. I'm in need of a new dress.
