Saturday, January 5, 2008

15 Minutes Post - It Works!

I did a 15 minute posts here and here and it's actually a good way to post when my mind is cluttered with so much stuff, and I wanted to dump some out.

Kind of like de-cluttering at home too. When I have too much stuff at home and all disorganized and cluttered, the best was to de-clutter is to throw or give away 5 things I don't need or use anymore. Wow, this is a revelation, an epiphany ;) - I just thought about this while typing away. See - this 5 minute post works. Maybe I should share this on Wednesday at Works For Me Wednesday.

And speaking of de-cluttering, I am joining my friend Valeria for a Garage Sale today. We have about 8 bags (or more) of stuff to donate to charity but when I heard she's doing a garage sale I thought, why not join her. Whatever income we get from here I'd give to Tatay and Nanay. That's a great idea, don't you think? They don't have any income, so they can use the garage sale money to buy whatever they want.

HubbyB had a Mohs Surgery yesterday. Our dermatologist took some basal cell cancer from his forehead. So I have one word for all of you" SUN SCREEN! Don't forget to use sun screen people.

5 minutes is up. I need to make coffee and get going....


Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

all the best with your garage sale
and bless you for giving


Katrina said...

I love your fifteen minute blog posting idea! So often I don't sit down to blog because I don't feel like I have a big enough block of time to do it, but I could definitely squeeze in fifteen minutes just about any day!

Hope your holidays were great--Happy New Year!

Kathryn & John said...

I'm trying this. Great idea!

Azl said...

hi, liza! this idea sounds great! guess i wanna try that, too.

just want you to know am here. :-)
thanks a lot for your timely reminder whenever i miss posting in my blog!

Mixednuts said...

I think I will need more than 15 minutes but sounds like a good idea.