Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sights of the Season #1

Hopeful Spirit over at the On The Horizon is doing "Sights of the Season" and I want to follow her lead. This is my first one. Most post will be Wordless.

UPDATED Dec 9 - Monday: I just read about this FUN MONDAY doing a carnival of Christmas ornaments. I'm joining in. I think this post qualifies :)


Kaytabug said...

What a neat display. Is that in your home? Welcome to Fun Monday! The theme changes every week as does the host.

kitten said...

Wow! Beautiful! Welcome to Fun Monday!

Alix said...

oh that is pretty did you make it?

Welcome to Fun Monday

Carrie @carrieloves said...

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Fun Monday.

Cool ornaments!

Dreaming What Ifs...

Jill said...

that is pretty. welcome to fun monday.

Mrs. Darling said...

Love the ornaments.
This is my first time for Fun Monday. I love looking at everyones stuff.

Kim said...

That is lovely. Welcome to Fun Monday!

Tiggerlane said...

I definitely think it qualifies! Pretty, pretty - very nice.

Jo Beaufoix said...

That is really lovely. Welcome to Fun Monday.

Anonymous said...

Great display.

Sauntering Soul said...

That's really pretty!

Welcome to Fun Monday.

ellen b. said...

What a fun display. Enjoy...

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Fun Monday. Is that in your house?

Molly said...

I think that your lovely ornaments post certainly qualifies. Welcome to Fun Monday.