Friday, December 21, 2007

Grace In A Manger

There are a million and one things in my mind that I want to blog about, but I couldn't compose a coherent scribbling. So instead of coming up with some rambling thoughts, I decided it would be better to direct you all to a wonderful post by Shannon. Not that Shannon needs the traffic coming from my link because her blog is already being visited by thousands of people a day. I am directing you there to read about the Grace in a Manger - an intimate reflection fit for this season. Merry Christmas.

And after you read Shannon' reflection, check out this post on Jesus and Dark Chocolate
. Yeah Jesus!


Forgetfulone said...

Thanks for the link. Wishing you a merry Christmas!

raqgold said...

that is why we have the nativity scene under the tree :D

Anonymous said...

tagging you for a train ride

and Im off to read that link thanks

jen at