1. Dental Implants - The 3 dental implants done in me this year caused us a fortune! I could be bummed and depressed about the huge dental bills we had to pay - but rather I'd like to focus on being thankful that we were able to afford this. It's all from the Lord. I also am thankful that there were no complications - that everything went as smoothly as possible. When i posted about my temporary paraesthesia on this blog, I didn't realize that some people actually suffered from a permanent paraesthesia as a result of a "bad" dental surgery (I had tons of hits on that post). I am thankful that the paraesthesia I experienced was just temporary.
2. Tatay and Nanay lived with us - The immigrations processing was very tedious, very long - but finally this year my parents were able to come visit us and stay with us for many months. I am very thankful for their time here. My kids and them bonded as grandparents & grandkids - it's a blessing. My parents were able to see the blessed life I live on Maui and they are happy for me. Nanay's dream to coming to the US came true. Tatay and Nanay were a huge help to me when they were here. I miss them already but let's now go there. For today, I just want to express how thankful I am for them.
3. Second House and A Good Renter - Not even in my wildest dream have I thought about owning 2 beautiful homes on Maui. But now it's a reality. This year we bought another beautiful house for investment (like a college fund for my kids). We're renting it at this time and the family who rents it are just wonderful. They pay on time, they keep the house clean, they are good neighbors to those around them.. etc.
4. Good Health - my family has generally been healthy. No major sickness, no accident. That's something to be thankful for.
5. Wonderful Teachers To My 2 Kids - Oh I am so thankful for my kids teachers this year. They love my kids, they are good teachers, and they are Christians who go to the same church we do!
6. New Neighbors - The A family moving next to us is such a wonderful blessing. This year we had to say goodbye to our other loving neighbor, the S family, and it was very sad - especially to our son whose bestfriend to their son. S family had to move to the mainland because of B's work. We miss them. But anyway, back to A family - this family moved in to the house next to us this year and they have been such good friends to us. We love these neighbors. Their kids are good friends to our kids. We are good friends to the couple - I feel very comfortable with them (which says a lot because I am an introvert and does not become comfortable with people easily).
7. Eydis, Justine and Kim. These 3 officemates I have are marvelous. They are very responsible, knowledgeable and they are very easy to get along with. It's nice having good officemates. It makes my day in the office as a working mom a lot easier and more enjoyable.
8. Relly and Gem are having a baby! - Gem is pregnant, yahoo! And it's a boy! I am thankful for this. She's due in March. Please join me in prayer to keep Gem and the baby healthy.
9. Hubby's promotion - There were a lot of different promotions this year. It came with some complications; we had to do some schedule adjustments, but overall we are thankful.
10. Blogging - need I say more? I love blogging. It helps me clear up my mind, it helps me vent, it helps me to connect. I am so thankful for the many new friends I've met through blogging, including the moms at PinoyMoms Network . And I am thankful for my friends here on Maui who regularly reads my blog. Ten more days before my blogiversary!
11. BlogHerAd Network - Related to number 10 of this post, I am also thankful for the BlogHer Network. It's nice to be able to get a little bit of compensation for doing a thing that I love doing. With Adsense, I'm earning cents, with BlogHer I earn dollars :). I am thankful for the fun money I get through having a BlogHer Ad on my blog. Hint: keep on checking them out :). click on those ads - they are quality ads and you might find something you need.
12. My nephews JM and Josh, and their parents too. I love you guys and so thankful for you.
13. Books - I love books! I am thankful for the many books I read this year that's been of help to me; and books that I have enjoyed.
* For more Thankful Thursday posts, visit this blog here.
* For more Thursday Thirteen, visit the official HQ here.
* For more sharing of God's Work visit A Dusty Frame.
What a great list! I love books to and while I was reading your list I could agree with almost all of them except for the dentist one, I may have to work on that a bit :o))
Thanks for sharing!
Lots of wonderful blessings in your life. May your eyes continue to see His goodness. Blessings...
Oh what a lovely list! I could do without the dentist, but as I am getting to be friends with her,I'll have to agree with you, may things go smoothly!
May your life always be blessed.
you havwe a lot to be thankful for
Im pleased
Bless you Liza
Great Thursday post! I love Thursdays! All my favorite shows, Earl, Greys anatomy, ER, that means no laundry after 7:30! Have a great TT. Hope to see you over at my blog!
what a great list! thank you for sharing!!
Great list! How wonderful to look back over the year and remember God's blessings.
lovely list! happy TT.
What a great post!
Great list of blessings! I can't wait to make my thankful list for Thanksgiving--we go around the table and share! Thanks for sharing yours!
It's always good to meet a fellow book lover!
Wonderful blessings:) Thanks for participating.
**Maybe you can email me about the blog her thing?:)
I am just able to carve out time now to visit your TT post. I am so glad I visited. Wonderful list. Thank you for sharing your praise! Love and hugs, Lynn
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