Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday: Be a Talent Scout

Since I conceived my first born, until today, I have read tons of books on parenting. There are so many sound advice out there. And I must admit that there are some advice that is "way out there" (ran away from those). Rocks in my Dyer's Works For Me Wednesday is on a theme this week. The theme is "Parenting Advice". Oh, I am sure I am going to have fun reading each and every post (if I have the time I'll read all 400+ posts :)

So, what's my "works for me"? I'd say making sure you know what your kids' strengths and weaknesses are. It is important that we look at and treat each child as unique individual. We need to be a talent scout when trying to find what they are good are and what they are gifted at. We need to be sensitive and watchful to see what their weakness and difficulties are. Develop the strengths, remediate the weakness.

These strengths and weaknesses emerges. They sometimes come and go on each stages ..and some stays. That is why we need to be the "talents scouts" of our kids. Constantly watching, consistently discovering.

In case it's your first time here, I just thought I'd mention that I have two beautiful kids. I'd probably add some more to this post but for now - I need to cook dinner :)

I am sure I'd be reading through a lot of the parenting advice at Rocks In My Dryer this week. "See" you there.


Joyful Days said...

Nicely said, Liza. Sometimes not an easy task but always worthwhile.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I love this advice.

I don't read any parenting books...are you surprised? ;)

Ann@DentalImplants said...

There are really lots of parents who get a hang of parenting that way. Although I approve of that, sad to say it didn't work out well for me. But I think I raised my kids well and gently. I don't really like punishing them.