Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Miscellaneous Update

Nanay - doing well; no more headache nor chest pains.
Work - doing well; I still need to get to work on time. working on it. I alos need to focus more, and be more productive.
Refrigerator - hubby fixed the leak. It was a burst in the hose for the ice maker and cold water dispenser. Parts are in order. Wooden floor on that area are warped :(
G - turning 10 this weekend
- made a bed for her doll today....out of wood...very impressive! It's one of the good influence of our neighbor T.
Tatay - hardoworking and prayer warrior as ever
Hubby and I - walking at night for exercise. A good time to chat too.
School - oh, I don't want to think about school yet
Giveaways - check out that button on my sidebar with a dog wearing shades. If you click on that it'll take you to the link about it. I am participating so watch out for give-aways on this blog.
Spiritual Growth - I read about "Women In Faith" conference from Heather's blog. I want to go. I'll pray about it. Maybe my blog will earn enough money to buy me a plane ticket o California - ha! ha! Seriously, I'll pray about this.

Now....I need to do my Works For Me Wednesday post before I sleep.

1 comment:

mommy3 said...

So relieved to hear your mom is doing well! I've always wanted to go to the Women of Faith conference. They hold one near my parent's house. If you do plan to go, let me know and maybe we can meet up!

Happy early Birthday to G!