My name is Liza. I am an American. I am what we might call a "grafted" one; an "adopted" to the family. In my vein runs a Filipino blood. I am still a Filipino and that will never change. A little piece of paper that says I am an American citizen will not change the fact that I am Filipino. I am Filipino by blood and I am proud of it. Now, I am an American by choice and I am proud of it too.
Sometimes I think that, we, the immigrants who opted to be American citizens, have a better appreciation of what is it to be an American than many of the natural Americans have of their country. Honestly, I have seen some "natural" citizens who simply take "patriotism" for granted. That is sad. That is unfortunate.
Two of the songs in the musical "Miss Saigon" illustrate the deep desire of some for the "Great American Dream". The songs "The Movie In My Mind" (video here) and "I'd Give My Life For You" speak volume. In the play, Kim killed herself so that her son can go with his Father to the Land of the Free. In "I'd give my life for you", she sang and tells her son "you will be what you what to be, you...can choose whatever heaven grants"... Yes, in the minds of many, America is the Land of the Free, the Land of Abundance.....
I would like to make it clear that I married my American husband because I love him, and not because I wanted to come to America. Frankly, I could have married another man and still could have come here. But God has a plan for my husband and I. We met, we fell in love and we got married. I came to the US in 1994 and after 11 years of staying here, and having 2 kids of my own here, I decided it's time to formalize my citizenship.
America... Oh, it's not perfect by any means. All I have to do is look at the news and know that this great country of ours is in a bad shape. Nevertheless, it is still a great country. And in my own little way I would teach my kids to love this country. I will teach my kids the virtue of "patriotism", for it is a virtue worth teaching.
God Bless America... I love that song. And today, as we celebrate "Independence Day", I hope that each and everyone of us would pause, and say a prayer that God will continue to bless America.
Happy fourth of July to you! I'm glad you have been adopted into our country. I know there is a lot of drama with immigration going on but your story looks like the perfect example of what it should be about. I think it's great that you have two countries that you love. And I think you made a good point. Many 'natural' citizens don't realize just how good we've got it here. Have a great day celebrating with your family.
Happy fourth to you too, Liza. My great grandparents immigrated to the US in the early 1900's from miserable conditions in Europe. Not all of us "natural" Americans have forgotten what it means to be part of the great melting pot. My children's father is a naturalized citizen. Like yourself, we love "our" country even though we do not approve of all its government does.
Happy 4th to you Liza!
I love your heart to teach your kids to love this country.....and thanks for sharing your heart and story!
Happy 4th of July to you also Liza.
Liza- I am so glad that I have gotten to know you through your blog! I agree, America is not perfect, but it is and can be a great place to follow a dream Welcome to the family!
What a nice post:)
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