Sunday, July 22, 2007

Give-aways from Maui

The excitement is in the air! Shannon of Rock in my Dryer, the hostess of the Dog Days of Summer Carnival of Giveaways, already posted about what she's giving away. The links comes live tomorrow morning (her time). If you want to know more about it, you go go to the official DDS (Dog Days of Summer) page here. The basic premise is that whoever leaves a comment on this post will be included in a raffle draw.

Well... so much for the introduction. As you probably have noticed on the photo above, I am giving away a bunch of stuff everyday of this week. Now, because I want you to keep coming back to this blog for this week (even after this week :) - I decided to divide up the prices and have you leave a comment for the prize that you want. You may also leave a comment everyday on each of the daily DDS post and that give you a better chance of winning something.

To start this wonderful week of giveaways.. today, Monday, I am giving away a CD by Hillsong titled Ultimate Worship (yes, it's new, just for you). Why? because I love to worship. Those of you who had been visiting me regularly knows that already.

This CD is marvelous! It includes some of the best worship songs like Potters Hand, Still, Everyday and My Redeemer Lives. I have a CD for me in my car that I play everyday.

So, what are you waiting for? Go ahead and leave a comment. You can tell me which worship song you like, you can just say "hi" or just say, count me in!

Here's are the giveaway sneak preview:
Monday: Worship CD
Tuesday: Macademia Nut Chocolate and Coffee From Maui
Wednesday: Book (Home Warming by Emilie Barnes)
Thursday: Picture frame with shells from Maui (see photo above)
Friday: surprise!

And don't forget to visit Rocks in my Dryer for more giveaways!!!!


Kristen said...

Umm...I love your blog! I think it rocks.

Anonymous said...

wow.. ur giving away that cd?

will i have a chance to win as well? hehehe...


palmtreefanatic said...

I wanna win! this is a super fantastic giveaway!
thank you for a chance!

With His Grace said...

please count me in!

Becky said...

What a great giveaway!

Becky said...

I totally am in!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

What great giveaways!! I'd love to win the CD today! I need some new worship tunes!


Pam said...

How fun! I love your blog and am honored that you "keep your eye" on me!

I'd love to have a chance to win. Come see my giveaway, too. You probably did and I haven't checked yet!

Unknown said...

I would love that CD. Please count me in.

Anonymous said...

Hillsong is a favorite at our house. Thanks.

Amico Dio said...

We love Hillsong!

I would love to win! Please count me in! :o)

Karissa Derksen said...

i am feeling the need for a little worship music in my life.

Melissa said...

What a great idea. Please sign me up. I'll be back tomorrow for the macadamia nuts!

Anonymous said...

This will go with my new Hawaiian living room.

Jess said...

I love to worship. I love having worship CDs on when the kids are awake. Watching them dance to worship songs brings tears to my eyes. I can only imagine how Jesus must feel as he watches his children dancing... for Him!

I'd love to be counted in on the give aways and I plan on coming back to your blog!!

God bless,

Melissa said...

I love Hillsongs! Count me in on any of the drawings!

Llama Momma said...

How fun! Count me in!

Midlife Mom said...

I would love that cd in my car too! :0)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering me!


Shannon @ Gabi's World said...

Count me in!mmm...looks yummy!

Barb J. said...

I would love to have this CD!

Barb J.

aahcoffee said...

More music please!

Hannah said...

I'd love to have that cd! I've been thinking about getting another worship cd soon.. :)

Laura said...

Please enter me for the CD and I'll be back. I got married in Maui 12 years ago. I loved it so much!


Gretchen said...

Thanks for the opportunity, Liza!

Anonymous said...

Whoohoo! What a great bloggy goodness giveaway(s)!

I'll keep coming back - I wanna win! So count me in :)

Anonymous said...

Sign me up - I want to win :)

daisy said...

Sign me up, girl! How cool that you're doing one every day.

Vicky said...

We have that CD. It's fantastic! Whoever wins it, you're gonna love it! Don't put my name in, as I said, we have it and the blessing needs to be shared around.

Anonymous said...

Enter me! Thanks! This is too much fun...

Rachel said...

My dad commandeered my first Hillsong CD....I'll have to keep this hidden from him if I win....otherwise he and mom will wear it out! :)

Anonymous said...

They all sound like great prizes. I'll be back. :)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me. I love praise music.


Anonymous said...

I love Hillsong worship! Count me in!

Wendy said...

Hey! Count me in even though I have been a bad slacker of a blogger!!

Anonymous said...

Daily giveaways, wow. Thanks for doing this.

Becky said...

Love, love, love to win that c.d. We just had one of the pastors from their church speak at our church. Awesome!

Monkey Giggles said...

Please put my name in the hat. I would love that CD

Unknown said...

I'd love this.

Kendra Fletcher said...

Sounds neat! Please add me to the contest.

Mari said...

I would love that CD. Thanks for offering it!

Anonymous said...

I like Darlene Zschech. Count me in.

sarah said...

Count me in. Thanks.

Kyra said...

Great idea for a giveaway! Count me in please!

The Snipes said...

Wish it was the vacation too...but looks good :) Count me in.

Qtpies7 said...

Love this! I hope I win it, except I'd love the macadamia nuts, too, oh, the choices!!!

Grace said...

I would love to win the CD! Please include me in the drawing. :)

Katoftheoc said...

My favorite Hillsong song is My Redeemer Lives.

Unknown said...

Nice Blog I enjoyed it. Count me in on the CD. I've never heard of that one but love worship mucic.

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

I would love to win that cd. Sign me up!!!

Unknown said...

I've never heard Hillsong so would like to hear it..I love worship music.... sign me up

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win the cd...please enter me into your drawing. I hope my brain remembers to come back tomorrow too!

Angela said...

count me in -

Truth said...

I would love the CD and will have to come back tomorrow for the chocolate. I loved Maui and dh and I are planning to come back for our 25th wedding anniversary. I can't wait.

Boomeyers said...

I've never heard this CD. Thanks for a chance to win!

Jennifer said...

Please count me in.

Anonymous said...

how exciting Liza
please enter me in :)

Anonymous said...

Please enter me into the drawing! Thank you!

Delete said...


How generous of you! Those are all fantastic prizes! Please enter me to win the CD today.


Suzy O. said...

Count me in.

Rebecca said...

Enter me please!

Kristin said...

Wow - I'd love to win any of those, especially the CD although I missed it by a day! Love chocolate, though. Great giveaway!

groovyoldlady said...

CHOCOLATE!!!! Chocolate always inspires me to worship God 'cause He so obviously gave it to us as a blessing!!!!!

groovyoldlady at adelphia dot net

Anonymous said...

Ah, lovely. Please consider me.

Anonymous said...

count me in

Anonymous said...

Pick me Please!

Kacey said...

Great Prizes!


KatieBug said...

Count me in!

Stitchblade said...

Yea! Enter me please

Unknown said...

Count me in!

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Mmm, chocolate and coffee! I'm glad I showed up on Tuesday! :)

Andrea said...

Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

Super prizes! I'm in!!!

Eden said...

Count me in please

Jenny said...

Lots of neat gifts! Count me in ...I would love any of those!!

Elysa said...

Please include me in your drawing. Thanks!

Joyful Mother said...

I would love to enter your giveaway! Thanks so much!!

Karen said...

Count me in, please!

Mercy said...

Ok, I'm not sure exactly how this works, but I'd love to win just about all of those things you are offering there. My husband would love me (ok, love me more) if I won that kona coffee. I would really enjoy that cd. And, all those other things you are giving away!!

That's so generous of you. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Scott Franson Photography said...

Count me in ! Great blog

Anonymous said...

hope i win!

~ said...

count me in , please!

Anonymous said...

I'm in too :)

Lori - Queen of Dirty Laundry said...

What a great prize - I love worship music!

Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

Carole Burant said...

Fabulous giveaway!! Please enter my name in your draw:-) Thank you! xo

Our Red Thread Journey said...

Please include me! Thank you!

Adena (aka cre82learn) said...

awww.hoping it's not really too late for the cd drawing. would love to win.

Suzanne said...

I would love the cd!

Anonymous said...

Would love to be entered! Thanks,

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered to win the chocolates. YUM!

Anonymous said...

Yummy! I love macademia nuts.

jodene said...

Love the chance!! Thanks.

Kathy, Jeff's Wife said...


Toss my name in please.

Anonymous said...

Great prizes!

God's girl said...

Count me in!

Tara Sloan said...

Count me in!

thediaperdiaries said...

I would love the CD!

Anonymous said...

Sign me up!

Truth said...

Okay, is this the day to post for chocolate? I've been waiting for this!

Unknown said...

This looks great! Please add me to your list. My e-mail address is

joysmallpack said...

My girls and I would love to sing along to the Hillsong praise songs. Please count me in- Thanks!

HomeSchool Mommy said... fun!

Thanks for including me in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! Count me in and God bless you!

Betsy said...

You rock!

kblaidlaw said...

I'd love to win! Please enter my name in your drawing.
kblaidlaw at yahoo dot com

Lura said...

This is a great give away! Please enter me!

Growing In Grace said...

Count me in!

CrystalGB said...

What a cool prize. Please enter me.

Unknown said...

Thank you for hosting a giveaway!

Lovely Rita said...

I'd love to win the things from Maui, been there once, and "need" to go back!

Busch family said...

Hi! Thank you for entering me. Your prizes are wonderful!

Sarafu said...

Great Giveaway! THanks!

Trina and Jophie said...

Count me in!
Trina :0)

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!
crazymamma1966 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Please count me in!

LivingforGod said...

I love hymns and worship music. Please count me in. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Angel said...

your blog is sooo cool

BlondeBlogger said...

Please enter me! Thanks! :)

Michelle said...

chocolate macadamias are my favorite!

Nadine said...

Please enter me in. Cool giveaway. Thank you.

Saph said...

Would love that CD!! I have a bunch of Hillsongs cds and would love to add this to my collection!

PastormacsAnn said...

Please count me in for both.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in! Thanks! :)

Kim said...

Count me in! What a fablous giveaway!

Great blog...I'm bookmarking it so that I can come back later. ;)

Come on over to check out my giveaway.

Unknown said...

You've got a great blog!

Feel welcome to enter my give-away at:

Dana a/k/a Sunshine said...

This CD sounds great. I would love to win it. Thanks for entering me.

Dana in Texas

Anonymous said...

How neat! Thanks for letting me enter!

Linsey Knerl said...

Lovely giveaway! Thanks so much!

Carey said...

Hi. Count me in. I love HIllsong..ive asked for it for my birthday. AWesome giveaway.

Unknown said...

please enter me!

Doreen said...

Oh yes, may I pleeeeease win that cd? If you check out my bloggie, all I have are mostly Hillsongs on my Playlist! heehee Love my worship music too!!

Across the Miles Photography said...

Great prize!! Count me in! :)

Treasuresofjoy said...


Unknown said...

Please put my name in the hat for today's draw. I just learned about the Dog Days of Summer. What a great idea to get people visiting blogs they might not otherwise have seen. Thank you!