First things first: because I had so much fun on this (and yes, because I had so much blog visitors I am very happy), I have decided to hold a give-aways every Monday. In case you missed my earlier post about it, go there. (go there after you read this post)
Now for today's story. Hubby called me at work around 3PM today to suggest that we go to Home Depot and buy the Washer/Dryer we need. And so we did. That is great except that when I got home I remembered that I needed to do the drawing for the Dog Days of Summer Give-aways so I can post the name of the winners on Friday morning. We got home at around 10PM (yeah, we took time scrutinizing all the models - we got the front load model this time...)... so instead of me doing my original plan of writing each bloggers name in a piece of paper and doing the traditional raffle draw, I resorted to my "human random generator" (a.k.a. my hubby). For each give-away, I looked at how many responses there were - asked hubby to pick a number (say, from 1 to 136) and whatever he pick is the winner (the participant whose comment corresponds to that number). Please be assured that my hubby has never read my posts and your comments; and he wasn't even looking when he picked the number. Yes, he's a random number generator, I told you.
OK, you probably are thinking, so much for the expanation, tell us who won. Here they are:
HILLSONG CD - 129 comments, winner is commenter no. 2 - that's James of Firebrands
CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE - 183 comments, winner is commenter no. 179 - The Penn Family
EMILY BARNES BOOK - 129 comments; winner is commenter number 97 - ADELE of A Mei Mei For Mallory
ONE LAST SHARING BEFORE YOU GO TO THE NEXT BLOG ... Because this week has been a very busy week, I really did not get a chance to visit a lot of the "DDOS participants" so I know my chances of winning something is slim. I thought, that's ok... I am happy just to be able to give away prizes. Well, today, I got an e-mail from Jared of X-Pat Files and Oikos Online and she's giving me a CD of Matt Redman! Yes, a Matt Redman CD - Matt, the guy who sang Heart of Worship! Isn't this wonderful? Oh, yes it is! Thanks Jayred :)
11:33 PM - time to sleep. I'd check the Mr. Linky on Rocks in My Dryer tomorrow to see if I won anything from there :)
Tomorrow, back to my usual posting :)
P.S. - I intend to visit every commenter's blogs. I have visited a good number and it's fun to "blogmeet" you guys! Aloha!
Sorry you didn't get to participate more! Thanks for being a part of DDOS with all of us!
What fun thing for you to do. I'll be stopping by more often to read and such.
Congrats to the winners!
wow! this is a surprise!
its like.. wow... i dont know what to say.. first time i actually won anything! hahaha..
thank you so much Lisa! thanks a lot!
ps. u know im from the philippines ryt? hehehe...
James, I I know. I'd e-mail you later so you can get my e-mail address and give me your mailing address :)
Oh wow, I am sooooooo excited!!! This is the book I really wanted to win. I am overjoyed! Thanks so much!
Congrats to all the winners! Thank you for hosting these drawings!
Dang, I was so close on the CD! Only one comment away...
Hope you had fun doing the giveaway, and it really has generated traffic to your blog!
Congrats to the winners! Thanks for hosting this drawing!
My pleasure, Liza. Hope it reaches you 'safe and sound.' :-)
God bless!
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