Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday: These Rocks Rock!

I'm constantly looking for fun activities for my kids so that they don't end up in front of TV and computer all the time. Sure they read books, but they also like doing hand on stuff. I was at Borders the other day and I saw a kit called "Rock Art" on sale. $7.95 - it comes with a set of paint, brushes, books and rocks. Well...here are some of the finished products created by G and N:

Rocks In My Dryer hosts the famous carnival "Works For Me Wednesday". I thought these rocks are perfect entries for this carnival. It kept my kids busy. It works as a summer fun project. For more tips that works, visit Rocks In My Dryer.


Anonymous said...

I love this idea. We did this at a youth retreat one year and I still have my rock!

Anonymous said...

very cool except Danioel thought they were balls

Joyful Days said...

I think we will be doing this Liza. Great reminder!!

Musings of a Housewife said...

Wow, those are so cool!! My kids would love that. I'll have to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

My mother in law used to do this with my children, they are adults now but they still have their rocks that they painted with gommy!

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

My 5-year-old would LOVE this project!! Very cute and fun.

Anonymous said...

Great idea! My little girl loves to collect rocks so we have them in abundance. Sounds like a fun rainy day project.