Thursday, April 12, 2007

Christian Working Mom

Since I transformed my blog from a mom blog or a parent blog into a personal blog I had been constantly watching my sitemeter, curious as to who will remain visiting me despite the change.

In the course of watching my sitemeter daily, I have noticed many lands on my blog when they googled the phrase "Christian working mom". My heart melts everytime I see that phrase because I know that someone behind that search is a mom who desires to connect to another working mom who profess the same Christian beliefs and values that she has. Unfortunately, there is a scarcity of blogs focused on the life of a Christian working mom. I can tell that some of those moms are desperate because they will not only glance at one page of this blog, but they would explore many of my previous posts that mentioned working moms..and that they stay longer than a few seconds here..they stay for many minutes, some close to an hour. And so I want to pray for many of us "Christian Working Moms":

Dear Jesus,

I woke up at 3:45 am again this morning. It seems like my body clock got stuck in that mode because I have been waking up at this time for several days now. Both homefront and work have been busy .. it's all good busy, but nonetheless very I guess my mind is constantly thinking too and couldn't sleep long...

As I have said in my intro post above, I would like to lift up to you many of us who are christian moms working outside of our home. Sometimes it gets pretty tiring, sometimes it gets discouraging, sometimes this brings about tremendous guilt and sadness...

Thank you Lord that in my case you have confirmed that it is your will for me (that you are allowing that) that I work outside our home. I am one hundred percent sure of that. Even though I desire to stay at home to be a "full time mom", I know that at this time, you called me to where I am now. But Lord...some of the Christian moms may not have that same "assurance and peace". Some may be feeling the tremendous guilt at the moment. For them I pray that you will give them peace...and comfort... Remind them Lord that you love "Mary and Martha" just the same, even though you said that Mary had chosen better by listening at your feet while Martha do the chores.... Oh yes Lord... your love for Martha is the same as Mary...and your love for us christian working moms are the same as your love for the stay at home moms...and in that love we shall rest...

Lord, I will come back for more specific prayers for them (us). I will regularly post a prayers for them (us). But for now, I need to make coffee and get ready to go to work....

Thank you Jesus that we can come before you in prayer, for anything, anywhere, in any way..and you hear us...

I love you Lord.


(Updated 7/10/07 : This is a mom blog once again :)

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mommy3 said...

Thanks Liza! I needed to read this today, at this moment. Just seconds before reading, I was talking with DH about me going back to work FT. Yes, I have a mix of feelings!

Your blog is a source of inspiration and encouragement whether you're writing about parenting, work, or life-in-general. Just continue being yourself!

mommy3 said...

Oh, and I just watched the video... my kids do that! Thanks for the laugh!

Cyndee@Riezzee's Place said...


Yes, that is how I found your blog originally. I appreciate the change that your blog has taken and it is always encouraging to me to stretch my faith muscles.

I also feel called to be working outside the home. It is a little easier with the kids in school, but time is limited and my house is probably not as clean as others. Nobody ever wished they spent more time house cleaning - I choose my family over cleaning anytime.

God Bless


JJ said...

The video is hillarious!

Kristen said...

Thanks Liza for your candidness. I myself am at the point of deciding to go back to work or not. Your words are encouraging. Oh, and the video was funny. My twelve year old wanted to watch it twice.

Anonymous said...

Great post Liza, thanks for linking to it from my site. :)
It is always so interesting to be a working mom as a christian, it's a great balancing act, and a good lessons on priorities.

Nice to know someone else who is a working christian mom.

Sister Honey Bunch/Judi maloney said...

I have been searching for a Christian Working Mom blog and haven't been able to find one. I think I might take mine in that direction. There is a need.

Just Me said...

I found you from google.

Thank you. I'm a working Christian mom who desires to be home. I hate being a working mother.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Liza!
I know I'm late but I just wanted to say thank you, because I am a young, married, christian mother of 3 children under the age of 3 and I work full time. It is hard at times, and I am being pulled in different directions:being a stay at home mom vs continue to work full time. My situation does not allow me stay at home, or to have a babysitter so I am a homemaker and working mom at the same time.

So I wanted to get involved in the "christian working mom" blog community to get connected with mothers like me.

Wife said...

This almost brought me to tears! Thank you!