Before you do...would you stay with me for a while? would you please take time to read my blog? would you please come back and keep checking... read some of my previous posts? would you? would you please?
The other day at work, we were talking to our carpet installer who just came back from the mainland to attend the funeral of his daughter in law (DIL). He said it's one of the saddest day of his life. His DIL took her own life, left behind a 2 year old daughter, a 7 yr old daughter... a 17 year old son... and a husband who loves her so much...
Why did she take her life? The answer is "we don't know". Apparently, she was "bi-polar", taking anti-depressants, and had a real bad bout of depression last Christmas season... probably never recovered...
Are you still with me? Please stay and read some more...
At the memorial service, the two older kids spoke. The young man was able to express his sorrow without losing his composure...the daughter just said "I miss my mom" and then cried. You can just imagine the tears that flowed in that room....
What would anyone think about ending their life? You tell me....
Is it pain? lack of purpose? lack of hope? what? what is it that is so deep you can't get out?
I am not done with this post yet... I have to go on with my daily chores... but I will be back with more thoughts on this. Come back...and while you are waiting for the next part... please read the posts this blog. And if you have questions, please post a comment and let me know where I can respond.
Do not...I repeat, DO NOT take your life away. You are precious is God's eyes. He loves you more that you can ever know. Maybe... wait.. stay for a little while... I am looking forward to your reply...
P.S. To my family and friends reading this this title "I want to commit suicide" is not my thoughts. I purposely used that title to catch anyone who will google that line. My blog has a very high standing on google search and I have been noticing all sorts of "google searches" landing in my blog. I truly hope that this little post will save a life... "Jesus, use this post to whatever way you want, Amen."
See part 2 of this post HERE
For blog I found, with a great post on suicide, click here
Oh that is sad about the lady
her poor kids
Im praying for them and anyone else who is so down they are thinking about this
God loves U
Nothing is impossible for God
Very tragic and very sad. I saw a documentary about one of the only people to have jumped from the Golden Gate Bridge and survive. He tells the tale of wanting so bad to end his life, and the moment he jumped- EVERYTHING in him screamed to live. He wanted more than anything to change the decision to jump, and while falling to his death, in mid-air, called out in his soul to a God he did not believe in to spare him. He did live, and he is now active in helping prevent suicide.
Life is precious, and I suspect even those that end their lives realize it at the moment it’s too late.
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