Thursday, February 1, 2007


It is quite interesting how "searchers" on Google land on my blog. I read somewhere that if a blogger blogs daily, his/her standing in search engines such as Google goes up high. I found that to be true in mine. Want to know what topic brought the most visitors from Google's Search Engine to my blog?

First, it's the phrase "Indescribable - You Are Amazing God!" I'm glad to know many are interested in that worship song as well.

Second, it's the phrase "The Spirit of Liza" Apparently there is a "spirit of Liza" out there that people are searching for. Sorry, it's not me. But if you're one of those who landed here through Google, I invite you to explore around and read some of my posts. You might find something to encourage you :)

Have A Nice Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, so it makes me wonder what draws people to my blog. Personally, I think they google over from a phrase I use often:

. . .

Thanks for the link the other day.

God bless.