Monday, January 15, 2007

Bloggers Anonymous

Hubby has been complaining that I spend a lot of time blogging. Kids are noticing that I spend way too much time with my computer. I think about "blogging this and blogging that" a lot. Something is up. I think I had become a blogaholic!

And so I did what I am supposed to do. I tried to find a support group that would help me get out of this mess. There's only one thing I know how: I googled "Bloggers Anonymous". I thought, if no one has done it yet, I would start my own group.

Much to my surprise (actually I shouldn't be surprised), there is already an ongoing group on this. It's in a form of a blog (which is oxymoron for the blogaholics trying to get rid of the habit). But the blog is very clever, it's great! Check out Bloggers Anonymous for yourself. You might realize you have this disease. Also look at this checklist to find out.

So, in case you don't see me posting a lot these days, that's where you'll find me ;)



Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Bloggers Anonymous! Maybe I should check it out. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, blogging can be very addictive and I used to be a blogaholic too but when it started to get in the way of my real life, my TRUE life I knew it was time to step away. I realised that there were more important things that clicking away at my keyboard and blog hopping and obsessively checking my comments.

You're taking a step in the right direction. You blog will always be there but family may not.

Liza on Maui said...
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Beth said...

Nice find, Liza! I can tell you though, it does get it better! You're just in your blogging infancy, of course you're addicted!

Maybe you should just set a timer when you sit down to blog or read blogs??

mommy3 said...

Liza, the Top 10 list was a great read! I could relate to "mental blogging". I have so many mental posts that are yet to be typed and published!

Your blog is wonderful! I am honored to be added to your daily reads and I look forward to exploring the other blogs on your list! Blessings to you and your family!

Lowla said...

LMAO!! Very true.. That deserves a blog posting on my blog..Im officially an addict :-(

Unknown said...

There are worse things to be addicted to, for example making up new 12 step groups. I think AA, NA and a few others are great but BA?
But I do agree that one can become too into blogging.