Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Gifts - Five Languages of Love

I don't know about you...but for me, buying gifts sometimes increases my stress level to the max! (ok, not just's many times!)

Have you heard of the teaching on Five Languages of Love? (If not, make sure you check out the link).

I found out that my primary love language is called "Acts of Service" while my husband's primary one is "Receiving Gifts". My husband loves to receive lots of gifts...and I mean LOTS...lots of NICE gifts! I, on the other hand, am happy with whatever "gift", and even just long as he helps me in the house so I don't get so stressed juggling my life between home, kids, and work....

Oh my... I need to get ready for work... I'd be back later...
But before I go, I just want to remind you to make sure you find out what the love language of your "loved one" is so that when you give them your Christmas gifts this year, it will be more meaningful to them.

Merry Christmas!

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