Saturday, December 13, 2008

Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep

I stayed up too late last night "developing" A Maui Blog. I feel like I have so much to do to make it a really good travel and culture blog (so that readers will keep coming back). As some of you already know, that's the blog i hope to "monetize" and gain some income when I become unemployed in the next month or so.

I stayed up until 1:30 AM networking with other Hawaii bloggers and twitters. That's way too late for me. Then I woke up on my usual 4:30 waking up time and could not go to sleep. That's when I remembered this song and that I wanted to share this for the "Then Sings My Soul Saturday".

This simple song give me such comfort. Counting blessings enable us to trust God more. (video with lyrics are HERE is if you want sing along)

For more Then Sings My Song sharing, go to Amy's blog at Signs, Miracles and Wonders.


Tim said...

I love this song . . . and movie. I have already watched it a couple of times this years. Thanks for posting it. As to web development, the best to you. I am working on my own, but am never satisfied with the work I put into it. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

What a great song and Bing has the best voice ever. That is enough to make me want to so go sleep...


na said...

I had never heard that song...but it really is a good idea and a nice way to stay close to God!


Deborah said...

I love Bing Crosby and White Christmas is one of my favoirte shows. I love when they sing "Sisters"! Thanks for this song and the kind words on my blog.

Peggy said...

Ohh Liza...aren't you too young for this song? Blessings Liza...may you have so many to count! I love Bing Crosby & this is a perfect song to sing when you find you can't sleep!
I love this movie & song so much! I was watching a Ingrid Bergman & Bing Crosby clip last night from "The Bells of St. Mary". These bring back such good pleasant memories! Thank you for reminding me! May you find much favor so you can count your blessings instead of sheep!I loved your Maui Blog, too!

lambofHisflock said...

Thank you! Your song and video choice made me smile. Bing always does, and this song is simply beautiful.

The Coetzee's said...

Liza, I can't say enough about what an incredible person you are and the most gifted of bloggers. You are going to do well. I loved White Christmas and could watch it a dozen more times. Such a beautiful story, clean, wholesome. I should make it a holiday tradition for me. God Bless you Liza - Love, Cari